COVID-19 Prevention Policy
Dear Customer,
It kind of feels as if we're living in a sci-fi movie. If Arnold Schwarzenegger showed up dressed in leather on a motorcycle, we wouldn't be surprised. The truth is, we are dealing with an aggressive virus and we want you to know we're taking it seriously.
You may have noticed we've sold out of a lot of our basics. Organic bras, panties, loungewear and more. That's because our production has been on hold due to the lockdown in Illinois. Our contractor is operating on a rotating schedule and right now, they are focusing on making masks that will be donated to people who need them most. Once our lockdown is lifted, we will resume production. We will keep you updated whenever that date is decided.
Only Russell and I are working in the office. Seeing we're together 24/7 and the rest of our staff is working remotely, we are keeping any contact with the outside world to a minimum. Our space smells like an indoor swimming pool and we are continuously wiping our surfaces with disinfectants and even...bleach...I know! Not so sustainable but we want to be sure we protect our patrons. I have always been a fanatical hand washer and we've ramped that practice up even more. No one enters our office and once an order is packed, it is brought to the Post Office by one of us (mainly Russ, I'm not gonna lie).
We want you to know we truly appreciate all your business and orders right now. Without you, we would be struggling and your continued support is keeping our little business afloat. That is why we will continue to keep our fashion on sale as long as possible. I know everyone is saying this but we are "in this together" and keeping our prices low at this time is our way of saying thank you.
We are grateful for you. Please continue to socially distance, stay safe and stay well.
Peace, health and joy,
Germaine & Russell